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相关课程: 宏Magic

曾经想深入进入ayx大小? Then you’ve probably come across gear recommendations. And you might have been put off by the sum you’d need to invest in it.

If you’re planning on doing advanced level macro photography in the long run, acquiring professional-grade gear is a good idea. But for everything else, there are a lot more options.

Image by the Author



What You’ll Need

For all the of the following methods, you’ll need aninterchangeable lens camera.两个都DSLR.mirrorless cameras是合适的。

我们建议使用具有广泛的第三方支持的系统。这意味着许多公司为它制作配件。这显着降低了项目的成本。例如,您可以为佳能EF安装架找到更便宜的延伸管,而不是Pentax K.

This, of course, only applies if you have equipment from more brands, or haven’t yet bought a camera. Otherwise, use what you have; there are no restrictions. In today’s article, I’m using Canon EF cameras, both全帧和作物

For every tip, I will note what extra accessories you’ll need to acquire. All of them are inexpensive, not exceeding a couple of hundred bucks in total.

首先,让我们讨论什么特写镜头和宏观摄影ayx大小, and magnification are.


Close-up photography is the broadest term we’ll be wandering in. It consists of all sorts of photography involving capturing subjects from a close distance. It’s all about seemingly enlarging, emphasizing them.

紧张的肖像,镜头flowers, detailednature photographsare all close-up photographs. But they are not macro photographs –有一个相当具体的定义。

General close-up photography doesn’t require extra gear – you’re probably taking such shots day-to-day. In many ways, its rules are similar to those of macro photography, although not so strict.

由迦勒伍兹未提出 - 特写,但不是宏观镜头


宏photography has various definitions. According to the most common one, the subject appears inlife-size magnification(或更大)处于宏观情况。

放大率是指的比例objectand its图像在光学系统中。

When you focus closer, magnification increases. It’s largest at the lens’最小焦点距离(MFD)。由于MFD具有物理限制,但倍率也有限制。

最多non-macro lenses have a maximum ratio between 1:6-1:8. It can also be expressed as a single number, which is more common. You divide the two – 0.12x is identical to 1:8.

宏lensesand equipment are all about increasing magnification by different methods.

Life-size magnification is the ratio of 1:1, where image and object size are identical. At 1:1, the image on the sensor has the same size as the real thing.

When you increase it further, you start to实际上放大器 - 在传感器上比现实生活更大。

a diagram showing magnification and life-size reproduction ratio of a camera lens


General-purpose lenses are not capable of reaching 1:1. Most are not even close.


了解您的设备至关重要 - 您的一些镜头可能更有能力。

例如,佳能和尼康的18-55mm套件镜片表现良好,达到1:3。一些其他镜片包括松下G Vario 14-140mm ois,佳能24-70mm f / 4是。尝试Dpreview的镜头功能搜索查看所有选项。




7. Use a Screw-On Diopter Lens

一个非常方便的选择是使用螺丝diopter filter。这些工作与紫外线过滤器类似 - 您将其拧在镜头的前螺纹中,您很高兴。与紫外线过滤器不同,它们不平坦。

Instead, they arePlano-Convex.lenses. This means that the lens is flat on one side, and spherical (convex) on the other.



这导致了这一点increased aberrations,特别是朝向边缘的色差。制造商可以用涂料纠正这一点,但他们不能做奇迹。


They are especially powerful when attached totelephoto lenses。Their effect is not diminished by longer焦距在最接近的关注时。当关注最远的地方(可能仍然是宏)时,它甚至放大了。


Let’s see the math for calculating Minimum Focus Distance when a diopter is attached, and focusing is at closest possible.

Original Minimum Focus Distance: MFD (in metres!)
Diopter Strength: D

nMFD = MFD / (D * MFD + 1)

假设您有一个佳能EF 85mm F / 1.8镜头,其最小焦距为0.85米。这是宏的理想焦距,但0.85米很远。所以,在镜头上拧紧3倍屈光度。让我们将其插入公式:

nMFD = 0.85 / (3*0.85 + 1) = 0.23


Magnification, too, is increased by the same ratio. Originally it was 0.13x. Now it’s 0.48x. Still not ‘real’ macro, but much closer.

However, this particular 85mm lens is not ideal for converting to macro. If you choose a lens with better default magnification, you can easily reach 1:1 with diopters.

A +2 diopter on our Panasonic GH5 and 12-35 f/2.8 lens. Not quite macro on its own, but helps

a close up of coffee beans

Note:Wikipedia’s article在特写镜头上是准确和理解的。如果您想了解屈光度背后的实际物理,请检查出来。


If you’re aiming for the very cheapest, thisvivitar屈光度套装is an ideal choice. It comes in different 4 strengths: +1, +2, +4, and +10. Of these, +10 is basically useless, but the others are fairly good performers.

Invest in a bit more, and you can get aHoya setof +1, +2, and +3. It’s probably the best set out there. Still, expect some loss in image quality.



Extension tubesare another popular choice. They are hollow tubes that you place between your camera and your lens.

You can get them in different lengths, usually 12mm, 20mm/25mm, and 36mm. Their two types are manual and electronic tubes. Only choose manual if you’re shooting with a fully manual lens – you can’t control electronic lenses otherwise.


Let’s start with the tradeoffs.

用管,你增加焦距虽然不会按比例增加孔径直径。这意味着相对孔径(你的F-STOP.,比率焦距and diameter) decreases. So, some light is lost.




Unlike diopters, they don’t introduce extrachromatic aberration。它们仅放大镜头的现有像差。好消息是,大多数镜头都有更多的CA朝向图像角。那些角落是由管子“裁剪”的。



The following formula is concluded from the thin lens formula. It is thus a simplified calculation. The results are not 100% accurate, especially with complex zoom or internal-focus lenses (most 70-200 f/2.8 lenses are both, for example). However, you’ll most likely use extension tubes with less complex primes, such as a 50mm f/1.8.

New Magnification = nM
原始放大镜头= m
管的总长度= t(以mm为单位)
镜片偏心长度= f(以mm为单位)

nm = m + t / f



因此,我们建议使用带有较短素数的管。在此帖子中,您将使用佳能40mm f / 2.8煎饼镜头来看到我。该镜头是与管一起使用的理想选择。这是微小的,并且没有太短但不是太短的焦距。它为一个非常方便和廉价的宏观镜头。



以下是佳能EF Mount的延长管套,这就是我们目前使用的。如果您有不同的系统,请选择适合您的管子。

最便宜的电子产品之一sets available is from Acouto。它具有一款非常质稠的设计,但它具有金属架,令人惊讶的是。释放按钮也是金属,虽然不是最好的建筑。

如果您正在寻找长期使用的坚固管,我们推荐kenko dg集。It utilises much better materials, fits tightly, and its buttons feel nicer.

We don’t advise buying expensive tube sets from the camera manufacturers. As there are no glass elements inside, non-native sets don’t obstruct quality. Electronic contacts are just pins and wires – no difference here either. However, choosing a solidly built set is vital.

Extension tubes are an essential part of our favourite inexpensive kit. Read on to learn more about the kit





So, you’ll have to use手动镜头。With modern glass, you’ll have to set the aperture electronically before attaching your lens to the bellows. It’s not at all convenient.

You can calculate the increase in magnification with the same formula as extension tubes.

We recommend thisFotodiox Bellows.。它建成良好,允许精确控制。

Fotodiox Bellows for Canon EF mount
Fotodiox Bellows for Canon EF mount



However, if you’ve got one, you can utilise it to get a bit closer.



很明显,你将失去光明。相对aperture (f-stop) will decrease with the converting factor. So, if you use a 2x teleconverter, your aperture decreases by two stops.

3. Reverse Your Lens


Take a non-macro lens. Find an adapter that converts the filter thread of your lens into a lens mount. Then, put it on your camera using the new mount.


效果类似于延伸管。最多wide-angle lenseshave a longer distance between their point of convergence (POC) and their front element than between the POC and the lens mount. You can see these distances in blue and orange on the graphic.



So, let’s reverse the lens. What was previouslybeforepoc去了在后面它。这意味着较长(图中的蓝色)距离变为焦距的一部分。结果,焦距增加。

倒车套装镜头和延伸管 - 有一些有趣的照明
Our reversed kit lens and an extension tube – with some fun lighting


This is athumbtack。放大率约为4倍。

Looks tiny, right?


This technique is best and cheapest if you get an old, manual wide-angleprime。When you reverse the lens, electronic contact to the camera is ceased. This makes setting the aperture a painful process. Without a dedicated aperture ring, you have to remove the lens every time you want to adjust the aperture.

可以购买通过单独的和弦传输电信号的适配器。Movo manufactures one。它非常出色,可靠,坚固,但您必须为此付出更高的价格。

因此,如果您要更便宜,请购买复古镜头和手动反转适配器。这个is for 58mm-threaded lenses. The Takumar 28mm f/3.5 lens is a great choice, with a 58mm thread and good image quality. You can reach a magnification of around 2.5x with this setup on a DSLR.







如果您只有幸运的情况,只有全框架装备,您可能会考虑购买廉价的作物。我们使用A.佳能1300d.在我们的工作室,偶尔是一个7D MKII.。两者都是宏观摄影的伟大表演者。ayx大小a diagram showing sensor size in macro photography


宏photography is not all about magnification. Whether you use natural or artificial light, its amount and quality are at least as important.

最好的选择是一个环。一个环李ght attaches to the front of your lens, directly illuminating your macro subject from all sides. It gives soft, consistent light that you can use on its own or combine with other sources.

The ring flash made by Canon costs almost as much as a dedicated macro lens. But it’s by far not the only option.

We’ve got a永诺yn-14exin our studio. Its build quality is not the best (we could not close the battery door after a while), but the light itself is genuinely excellent. It’s on par with Canon’s offering.

If you’re only shooting macro occasionally, this is much easier to justify buying. It will increase the quality of your macro photographs drastically.

+ 1:使用闪光灯和其他光源

作为替代品戒指, you can use your existing flash. Be sure to attach a smallsoftbox., though. It will provide a more balanced light with more adjustment options.


Be aware of喇叭花, 也。一些镜片易于来自侧面的光。测试镜头以确保它可以处理这种情况。您也可以在您的镜头中包含耀斑 - 这是您的创造性决定。

您也可以使用常量光 - 这也会有很多帮助聚焦。

Photo of a camera macro photography setting


We’ve discussed the components to achieve a working macro kit on a budget. Now, let’s build it!


Cheaper than a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L macro lens

I’ve reached a magnification of 1.5x with this kit. The images are sharp and detailed. The light is plentiful and of high quality.



a macro photo of a section of handwriting
With a sensor width of 22mm, the 15mm image width represents a 1.5x magnification. A shot of the Hungarian 1000 HUF banknote



Exploring the world in Gulliver’s perspective gives you constant inspiration and drive. It never ceases to surprise and mesmerise.


Share your best macro photographs with us in the comments below!

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